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corporate videos - commercials - livestreaming - photo reports - event recaps

My job is to make sure your message reaches the right people - customers, business partners or your own (future) employees.

Wanna spend hundreds of thousands Euro on a monumental car commercial, with a team of 50 people on a dry salt lake?

Then I figure I can’t help much.

But if your goal is to create an authentic, innovative and positive film with a clear message and maybe even a real story – we should definitely have a talk.

And because I always go out filming with a minimum-sized crew (often all on my own) you can save expenses.

For a general overview, please refer to my pricelist (in German language).



some companies and organizations (along others)
I was happy to work with in the past


AL-KO  |  ANTENNE BAYERN  ANTELOPE  |  ANWR  |  Apollo  |  AS Motor

Augsburger Allgemeine  |  AWO Augsburg  |  Caritas Augsburg

  |  Hilti Deutschland  |  how2  |  innogy  |  KUKA 

Lechwerke  LVÖ Bayern  |  mbw  |  Mediengruppe Pressedruck


PROCHECK 24  proteco  |  Regio Augsburg  |  sculpture network 


  Sievert  |  SPD Ingolstadt  |  Staatliches Textil- und Industriemuseum


TELLUX next  Universität Augsburg  |  vistona


Imagefilm - Werbespot - Reportage - Livestream - Veranstaltungsvideo- Filmproduktion - Filmemacher - Videoproduktion - Südtirol - Videograf

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